Getting Started


The BNP package is currently not available through the Julia package system but can easily installed by running Pkg.clone("").

Clustering data using Dirichlet Process Mixture Model

In this example we start by drawing 100 observations from two bivariate Normal distributions.

julia> X = cat(2, rand(2, 50), rand(2, 50) + 10)
julia> Y = cat(2, zeros(50), ones(50))

Now we can initialize the package and construct a Gaussian data distribution using a Normal Inverse Wishart prior.

julia> using BNP
julia> μ0 = vec( mean(X, 2) )
julia> κ0 = 1.0
julia> ν0 = 4.0
julia> Ψ = eye(2) * 10
julia> G0 = GaussianWishart(μ0, κ0, ν0, Ψ)

After constructing G0 we can easily apply a Dirichlet Process Mixture Model using collapsed Gibbs sampling.

julia> models = train(DPM(G0), Gibbs(), KMeansInitialisation(), X)

Please note that this example can also be found in the demos folder, allowing interactive exploration of the model.